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You will need:
12g coffee (approximately 6 teaspoons) in Moka Pot grind
Moka Pot
100ml water (1.5 tablespoons less than ½ cup) at 30-40°C (¾ cold water + ¼ boiling water)

Step 1,2,3

Step 1
First thing to do is to boil your kettle. Temperature doesn’t matter at this stage. Fill the base of the moka pot up to the top mark with the hot water.

Step 2
Add your coffee. This needs to be a fine/medium grind. Coarser than espresso, but finer than filter. The water needs to be able to flow through the coffee freely. We use the filter basket as a guide to how much coffee to put in rather than sticking to a specific brew ratio. Just fill it up and put your faith in the Italians.

Step 3
Level the grounds off with your finger, but remember not to pack down or tamp the grounds. Leave them loose.

Step 4,5,6

Step 4
Carefully place the filter basket in to the base.

Step 5
Using a tea towel to hold the base, screw on the top chamber.

Step 6
Turn your heat on. We recommend a medium heat to start with. Using hot water in the base allows the water to reach brewing temperature more gradually.

Step 7,8,9

Step 7
The next bit is key. Lower the heat when you hear the water start to boil in the base. You’re aiming for the coffee to ooze out of the top spout like honey (and yes, you can keep the lid open!). You do this by controlling the heat. There’s a knack to it, but when you nail it you’ll know. If the coffee comes shooting out and spluttering it’s too hot and you’ll burn the coffee.

Step 8
Keep controlling the heat to keep the coffee flowing out smoothly. As the bottom chamber starts to empty there will be some spitting and spluttering. This is normal.

Step 9
Once you hear a hissing sound and the top chamber is full take the moka pot off the heat and serve immediately. Leave to cool before drinking as it will be hot!