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100% Premium Arabica

Welcome to The Kofe Company, your gateway to a world of freshly roasted premium Arabica coffee delivered right to your doorstep. Nestled in the heart of West Yorkshire, we are more than just a coffee business; we are passionate stewards of our planet, committed to crafting exceptional coffee while treading lightly on the Earth. At The Kofe Company, our journey begins with sourcing the finest Arabica coffee beans from the lush regions of South America, Central America, Africa, and Asia. We believe in ethically sourcing our beans, supporting the livelihoods of coffee farmers and ensuring sustainability across the supply chain. But our commitment to the environment doesn't end there. We understand that every small effort counts towards preserving our beautiful planet. That's why we take concrete steps to reduce our carbon footprint.

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

🌱 We've proudly introduced Robbyn, our state-of-the-art roaster that uses a remarkable 80% less gas compared to traditional roasters. Sustainability and exceptional flavor go hand in hand in every batch we roast.
🌱 We purchase renewable energy, minimizing our reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a greener future.
🌱 Our dedication to recycling extends beyond coffee grounds – we recycle all that we can and maintain a 99% paperless office to reduce waste.
🌱 Our commitment to eco-conscious packaging means using only biodegradable filling materials and encouraging our suppliers to minimize plastic use.
🌱 We optimize our supply chain by ordering in bulk to reduce transport costs and employ eco-friendly paper tape instead of plastic tape.
🌱 We breathe new life into coffee waste, finding innovative ways to reuse it and reduce waste.
🌱 We partner with DPD, a carbon-neutral company, for our deliveries, ensuring your coffee reaches you with minimal environmental impact.

World Coffee Research

But that's not all – we proudly support the World Coffee Research, an organization dedicated to the sustainability of coffee. For every bean you order from us, a percentage goes directly to this noble cause. Together with the World Coffee Research, we work towards making the world a better place for coffee trees and coffee farmers, ensuring the future of this beloved beverage. Join us at The Kofe Company, where your love for exceptional coffee meets our unwavering commitment to a better world. Explore our premium Arabica offerings and savor the taste of ethical and sustainable coffee, one cup at a time.

We’re committing to create the change we want to see in the world