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You will need:
Chemex brewer
Square chemex filter paper
38 grams coffee beans
600ml water (plus some extra to rinse the filter paper)
Pouring kettle

Step 1,2,3

Step 1
Bring your water to the boil and cool it down to 90 degrees

Step 2
Grind your coffee beans on a medium to coarse grind setting

Step 3
Place a Chemex filter paper into the top of the brewer, making sure the 3-layered side of the filter is lined up with the pouring spout

Step 4,5,6

Step 4
Pour hot water around the inside of the filter until it is saturated. Keeping the filter in place, discard the rinse water. Rinsing the filter helps seal it inside the dripper and also helps remove any papery taste

Step 5
Pour your freshly grounded coffee into the filter and gently shake the brewer back and forth to settle the coffee grounds

Step 6
Make a shallow well in the middle of the coffee grounds in the filter to enable the water to penetrate fully

Step 7,8,9

Step 7
Set your Chemex on the scales, reset it to zero & add 75ml of water to the grounds. Avoid pouring water into the middle or down the sides of the filter paper. Once done, wait 30s before the next step

Step 8
Start pouring the remiaining 525ml of water, try to pour continously in a spiral movement until your scales read 600ml

Step 9
If the water level rises too high, pause momentarily to let it drain. From step 8 onwards, it should take between 3 to 4 minutes. If it takes less than 3 minutes, try a finer grind, if it takes longer than 4 minutes, try a slightly coarser grind next time.