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Brew Time: 1-1:30 Minuites

You will need:
AeroPress filter
17 grams speciality coffee beans
240ml water (plus extra to rinse the filter)
Pouring kettle

Step 1,2,3

Step 1
Bring your water to the boil and let it cool down to 90 degrees

Step 2
Grind your coffee beans to a fine ground

Step 3
Place a filter inside the AeroPress cap and wet with hot water. Rinsing the filter helps seal it inside the cap and also gets rid of any papery taste

Step 4,5,6

Step 4
Turn your AeroPress upside down and insert the plunger

Step 5
Pour your finely ground coffee into the AeroPress chamber and gently shake it until the coffee grounds are level

Step 6
Start your timer. Pour 45ml of hot water evenly over the coffee grounds and shake gently or stir with your paddle for 30 seconds

Step 7,8,9

Step 7
Pour the rest of the water over the coffee in a circular motion and stir six times with your paddle

Step 8
Close the AeroPress with the cap and filter, and carefully turn the whole AeroPress over, placing it on top of your coffee cup

Step 9
Press down gently on the plunger until you hear a hissing sound. Serve!